Volunteers at Topsil
In August, Tumaini Topsil was visited by two Danish volunteers, Søren and Casper, who stayed with Tumaini Topsil. They actively participated in the everyday life, where they gained an insight into Tanzanian culture. They helped with laundry, washing dishes and cooking, among other things. They also helped to pick up the new refrigerator for the home, which has brought great joy – both for the children and the nanny, Merysiana. Søren and Casper occasionally made Danish dishes for the children, including pancakes for breakfast, which were a big hit with the children.
In addition, they have done activities with the children, such as playing football and indoor games. The children always love it when volunteers want to play with them and teach them new activities. It is always a great experience for the children when volunteers are staying at one of the homes. The children and nannies learn a lot from the Danish culture, as well as the volunteers learn and experience a new perspective of how a life can seem to be in a different culture.
New children to Tumaini Topsil
Since the last newsletter, two new children have become a part of Tumaini Topsil, Samia who is 5 years old and Ralvis who is 4 years old. Before they became part of Tumaini Topsil, they lived with their grandmother, who is ill with HIV. They have no contact with their father, and they rarely have contact with their mother.
The grandmother’s modest home bears witness to the poor conditions in which they have had to live under. The living room functioned both as a kitchen with a single stove, and as a bedroom for the children. They have previously attended baby class, but due to the grandmother’s financial resources, they couldn’t continue schooling. Their big dream is to be able to start school again, which will very soon be a reality with the help of our sponsors.
They have had a good start on Tumaini Topsil, which Søren and Casper also participated in. They quickly settled in, and had their first day at the home go with a lot of play with the other children.
4 of the children from Mtoto Tanzania finished primary school. In Tanzania, it is celebrated with a big party at the school, where all graduating students wear the same clothes. At home at Mtoto Orphanage, the 4 graduating students were celebrated by all the children and nannies of Mtoto Tanzania. As described in previous newsletters, big events are celebrated in Tanzania with pilau, soft drinks and music. It is a great day not least for the graduating students, but the day also brings great joy for the other children and the nannies!