

We are actively working to become more sustainable and we want to promote green future oriented initiatives

2023 GHG Inventory Report - Topsil GlobalWafers A/S

Our environmental policy

At Topsil, we continuously work to reduce the environmental impact of our business by integrating relevant considerations into our activities that affect the surrounding environment.

We prioritize our efforts in the areas where the impact is deemed to be greatest and commit ourselves to work methodically on reducing our energy consumption and waste from year to year.

We comply with environmental standards and legislation in the countries where we operate and track and set targets to improve our environmental performance.

We constantly strive to live up to this policy, i.a. on the basis of:

  • A good and useful Environmental Mangement System (EMS)
  • KPIs on energy, water, chemical consumption and waste sorting. Every year, new KPI targets are set with the aim of reducing our footprint year on year.
    We keep an eye on these numbers every month so we can react quickly.
  • Environmental focus areas and projects that we agree upon every year at environmental and energy meetings. In the past, these have included: Plastic sorting, waste sorting, packaging consumption and chemical consumption.
    Being a focus area means that we make an extra effort to promote good behavior in the area.
  • Climate accounting that provide transparency both for us at Topsil and externally, so we know which sustainability topics are important to focus on.
  • The annual GHG footprint that we keep a close eye on.

Our efforts have already meant that we have been able to reduce the consumption of water, electricity, chemicals and waste per kilo of silicon produced. In addition, we have been able to extend the shelf life of the acid we use in production and increase the recycling of our waste, so less is thrown away.

ESG report

At Topsil, we actively work with environment and climate by optimizing different parts of our production and operations. Information can be found in the aggregated ESG report, which include us at Topsil and all our sister sites globally.

We work according to international standards

The standards are in the environmental management category, and we use them as working tools to map our emissions and create concrete action plans.
This ongoing effort provides us with a continually growing insight into our value chain, in order that we may also gain the ability to actively work with our suppliers and help them get started with their own reduction plans.

We want Topsil to make sense

We try to think about how we act in everyday life.

That’s why we have a lunch app, for example, where it’s possible to unsubscribe from lunch if employees are working from home or out of house one day. In this way, we help minimize food wastage, just as we try to limit the amount of waste in general.

We also believe in promoting our employees’ inner sustainability so that we can go home from work with renewed energy from the tasks and impressions we have encountered throughout the day.

If you want to know more about what Topsil is like as a workplace, you can have a look at the “Our work environment and culture” page.

Whisleblower Policy

Topsil GlobalWafers A/S is committed to having an open culture allowing anyone to speak freely and report a wrongdoing or unlawful conduct if there is reasonable suspicion about Topsil GlobalWafers A/S’ activities, employees, management, suppliers, etc. Topsil GlobalWafers A/S provides a whistleblower platform for reporting such information. Before you report, please read Topsil GlobalWafers A/S' whistleblower policy. Only concerns that are in accordance with the whistleblower policy can be reported. In addition, the whistleblower policy describes how reports are processed, how you are protected as a whistleblower, as well as a number of other matters that are important to know.